Sustainable Innovation: The Collaboration between Elfa Elementenfabriek and Tech Innovators BV

In September 2023, Elfa was approached by Tech Innovators BV, a company renowned for its expertise in building and repairing industrial machinery. They wanted to embark on a large and ambitious project together with us.


The goal of the collaboration was clear: to transition diesel-powered machines to electric propulsion. A project that would not only result in higher efficiency and reduced operational costs but also significantly lower environmental impact. This was an opportunity to truly make a difference in how machinery, such as those used in railway operations, is deployed. With this solution, we achieved substantial standardization for the client, benefiting procurement and allowing Elfa to better align its inventories.


Disclaimer: Names and certain details have been changed to protect the privacy of the involved company.


The challenge

Tech Innovators BV faced a complex challenge. The switch from diesel to electric propulsion for their machines required a radical overhaul of their existing systems. This need became even more pressing due to strict environmental regulations and the growing societal pressure to operate more sustainably. The industry in which Tech Innovators BV operates is characterized by heavy machinery that traditionally consumes large amounts of fossil fuels, resulting in significant CO2 emissions and other pollutants.

The approach

Elfa Elementenfabriek, with its deep expertise in the latest battery technologies and energy solutions, was the ideal partner for this project. Together, they developed a strategic plan to ensure the transition from diesel to electricity was smooth and effective. Elfa provided advanced, modular battery modules specifically designed to integrate with the existing infrastructure of Tech Innovators BV. These systems were flexible enough to be adapted to different types and sizes of machines, enabling wide-scale implementation without major redesigns.


The solution

At the core of Elfa’s solution was adapting their standard battery systems to a format and specification that seamlessly fit Tech Innovators BV’s machinery. This adaptation allowed Tech Innovators BV to quickly and efficiently convert their machines to electric propulsion. The modular design of the battery systems also offered the flexibility to be updated as technology advanced or operational needs changed. This approach not only reduced downtime during conversion but also guaranteed longer life and better performance of the machines.


Technological specifications

The system designed for Tech Innovators BV included two 1P16S LFP modules with 230Ah cells from manufacturer EVE, a leader in lithium technology. The configuration of the modules provided:


  • Single Module: 51.2V and 230Ah, equating to 11.7kWh per module.
  • Coupled Modules: Connected in series to a combined output of 102.4V and 230Ah, resulting in 23.5kWh total power.


The modules were housed in a robust steel casing, designed and constructed by Tech Innovators BV, including the integration of a battery management system (BMS) and communication protocols for optimal control and monitoring.

The result

The collaboration between Elfa and Tech Innovators BV led to a significant reduction in the environmental impact of Tech Innovators BV’s operations. The electrified machines resulted in lower fuel costs, reduced maintenance costs, and a substantial decrease in emissions. This project helped Tech Innovators BV not only comply with future environmental standards but also position itself as a leading specialist in the greening of low-speed work vehicles within the industry.


Future plans

Inspired by the success of this initiative, Elfa and Tech Innovators BV plan to continue and expand their collaboration. There are plans to further develop this technology and apply it to a broader range of machines. Additionally, both companies aim to share their experiences with other industries facing similar ecological challenges to achieve a broader impact on the sector.



This project effectively illustrates how collaboration and technological innovation are crucial for overcoming environmental challenges in the industry. Elfa and Tech Innovators BV have developed a sustainable model that not only contributes to ecological sustainability but also offers significant economic benefits. This partnership serves as an inspiring example for other companies looking to achieve sustainable transformations.


What can Elfa Elementenfabriek do for you?

At Elfa Elementenfabriek, we specialize in advising and finding the right solutions together in lighting, energy storage, and batteries. We believe in a personal approach where your specific needs are central. Together, we explore the possibilities and develop a customized solution that perfectly aligns with your requirements. Contact us and let us help you find the ideal solution to achieve your goals. Disclaimer: Names and certain details have been changed to protect the privacy of the involved company.


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